Lowton Junior & Infant School



 Pupils at Lowton J and I  have the right to a rich and deep learning experience that includes the learning of the basics of an additional language. The study of Languages prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly carried out in languages other than English. In addition, understanding a modern foreign language increases a child’s understanding of their own language, and the building blocks which form this. The process of learning a foreign language reinforces fluency and understanding of grammar, sentence structure and verbal precision. Increased capability in the use of languages can also promote initiative and independent learning and encourages diversity within society. We teach a curriculum that enables our pupils to become effective users of language, and show an understanding and respect of different cultures in our local, national and global communities.


Through the teaching of Spanish at Lowton J and I, we aim to:

  • Ensure every child has the opportunity, from Reception-Y6, to study Spanish as a foreign language; developing their interest in the culture of other nations, communities and beliefs.
  • Ensure pupils have access to high-quality teaching and learning opportunities from a native Spanish speaker through the use of Language Angels, which will be delivered by the class teacher.
  • Ensure pupils have exposure to simple commands including day-to-day Spanish language, including days, months, numbers and classroom instructions.
  • Ensure pupils develop an increased wider cultural understanding through our enriched and varied curriculum to which languages contribute.
  • Provide language informed by the National Curriculum and the skills expressed in this: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Cultural Understanding.

Curriculum overview

Progression of skill 

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

