Lowton Junior & Infant School

Personal Development

Personal development calendar

Parent quotes 2024


This school is really good at:

  • Events such as assemblies are brilliant, a lovely opportunity to see our child in school. We have also enjoyed the open mornings.
  • The reintroduction of a flexible breakfast club is great.
  • Listening when parents raise concerns.
  • Celebrating achievements
  • Making parents feel included with special assemblies and making the children feel safe.
  • Showing good values and morals.
  • Making children feel happy, included and welcome.

Pupil quotes 2024

  • All of the teachers are really kind, the children are respectful and we can always talk things out because we have our 'High 5'
  • The work we do is always fun but challenging. The teachers are always there to help.
  • We have school values that mean something to all of the classes
  • The play leaders are great, they look after the little ones and play games. It makes playtime fun and happy for everyone
  • I always feel safe at school. We always have someone to speak to if we are every worried or having a bad day. My teachers are really good listeners
  • The school council raised money for playground equipment so now we have lots of fun games to play at lunchtime and we have comfy cushions to chill out on
  • I think it's great that every class has the same opportunities, we can all be involved in school councils, trips and visitors so we have nice things to remember each year of school
  • Everyone is respectful
    We always get the chance to do some of our learning outside and the fresh air always helps me think
  • We get to do so many different things in PE and cool sports that I've never done before outside of school.

Staff quotes 2024

What’s it like to work at J and I:

  • I am proud to Work at Lowton J and I
  • Every day is interesting
  • Rewarding and crazy
  • I am a proud team member, staff work above and beyond every day.
  • A happy place for staff to work, where work life balance is important.
  • Staff are encouraged and praised and supported well
  • I feel valued as a member of staff. I feel like I am encouraged to achieve well when it comes to my own professional development.
  • Challenging and rewarding

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

