Lowton Junior & Infant School



At Lowton Junior & Infant School, we want pupils to be independent, forward thinkers of technology and not passive learners. Technology is ubiquitous and will play a pivotal role shaping and influencing pupils’ lives. Therefore, we aim to model and educate our pupils’ on how to use technology that reflects the SMART acronym. When teaching computing, we equip children with the skills required to use computers effectively to enable them to maximise their potential. Our children should have a curriculum that promotes resilience, independence, critical thinking, communication skills and problem solving. We intend on delivering a broad curriculum which encourages a LOVE of learning for children within a progressive sequence. We want our pupils to understand that there is always a choice when accessing technology, and as a school, in particular with ‘social media’ - we aim to model positive use. We understand that preventative methods of online/ social media misuse can be addressed through education, embedded within our school values. We recognise that Computing unlocks pathways for children to be INQUISITIVE individuals and provides a balance of structure and a canvas for digital artists to share their learning in CREATIVE ways. We understand that accessibility opportunities of hardware/ software and unplugged resources, either in school or from home, creates EQUALITY for all children and our knowledge rich curriculum will aim to cultivate a COMMUNITY of computer-skilled scientists. We encourage our staff to immerse Computing to make learning creative and accessible. We aspire for our children to take PRIDE in their work and to become competent with a varied range of tools that best expresses their understanding. Upon leaving Lowton J&I, we aim for children to become confident users of computing and responsible digital citizens who are ready to meet the challenges of their digital future.

Curriculum overview

Progression of skill 

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

