Lowton Junior & Infant School

Literacy and Language


At Lowton Junior and Infant School, we believe that writing is an integral part of our curriculum. Our writing curriculum provides children with the opportunities to develop and extend their skills, and to express their individual interests, thoughts, and ideas through a wide range of writing purposes. We recognise the importance of nurturing a culture where children take pride in their writing, can write clearly and accurately, and can adapt their language and style for a range of contexts. Regardless of background, ability or need, we strive to meet the writing requirements of the Early Years Framework and National Curriculum.  


Our aspirations for all writers: 

  • for children to write clearly, accurately, and coherently, adapting their language and style for a range of contexts, purposes, and audiences.  
  • to create confident writers who develop stamina for writing throughout school. 
  • for children to be independent writers, building on a range of grammar and punctuation skills taught year on year.  
  • for children to be exposed to high quality texts that model excellent writing practices across a broad range of genres. 
  • for children to carefully select vocabulary with a focus on the desired effect on the readers’ thoughts and feelings. 
  • to ensure that all pupils know how to effectively edit and improve their writing using feedback from peers and teachers.  
  • to challenge our children to take risks and view mistakes as a positive part of the writing process.  
  • for our children to correctly form their letters, joining with a cursive style so that they can write fluently and legibly.  
  • for children to be able to accurately apply spelling rules and patterns they have been taught.  
  • to be inclusive of all children, including SEND, by providing the appropriate scaffolding, support, and tools those children need in their writing lessons to experience success.  

Curriculum overview

Progression of skill 

Newton Road, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 2AW

